API reference

The API reference for WRT.


WRT.run(script: String, params?: WRTParameters): Promise<any>

Description: Runs a script under WRT and returns the result of the evaluation. The result is a Promise, since WRT scripts are ran asynchronously by default.


const scriptResult = await w96.WRT.run("return await FS.readstr('c:/system/credits.txt')");
// Returns the contents of c:/system/credits.txt
// A simple module include demonstration
// Includes can use relative paths, unlike the standard Windows 96 FS functions.

/* ======= code to eval with WRT ======= */
const code = `const myModule = await include("c:/test.js");


await w96.WRT.run(code);

/* ======= code for c:/test.js ======= */

module.exports = {
    something: ()=>"Hello, world!"
// Returns the current working directory, which has been preset in the parameters.
await w96.WRT.run("console.log(current.cwd)", {
    cwd: "c:/system"

WRT.runFile(path: String, params?: WRTParameters): Promise<any>

Description: Runs a script file under WRT and returns the result of the evaluation. Like WRT.run, the result is a Promise since its ran asynchronously.


// Runs a script file located in c:/user
await w96.WRT.runFile("c:/user/test.js");

Last updated